Simulation Study of Perovskite Cell Performance in Real Conditions of Sub-Saharan Africa
PV module, perovskite, simulation, extraction, performance ratioAbstract
Perovskite is certainly the material of the future of photovoltaics for terrestrial applications. With high efficiencies and advances in stability, perovskite solar cells, modules and mini-modules have already made their appearance in the laboratory and are being tested under real-world conditions to evaluate their real performance. In our study, we predict the performance of perovskite-based photovoltaic panel technology under the conditions of the Sub-Saharan African region by simulation. We started from the current-voltage characteristic of a real perovskite-based module to extract the cell parameters through MATLAB analysis software. These parameters were used to model a cell and then a module in the LTSpice XVII software for simulation. The impact of temperature is studied to evaluate the performance ratio (PR) of a clear day. This study allowed us to evaluate the PR of the perovskite solar module. Displaying PR reaching 90%, perovskite is a future candidate with high potential in the list of the most suitable technologies for our sub-region.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Essodossomondom Anate, N’Detigma Kata, Hodo-Abalo Samah, Amadou Seidou Maiga

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