Implementation of a Machine Tool Retrofit System
Retrofitting, CPS, Machine tool, Software ArchitectureAbstract
Small and medium-sized companies increasingly turning their attention towards the fourth industrial revolution. In order to increase their own long-term competitiveness, there is a growing desire to make production smarter, more efficient, safer and more sustainable through new technologies. Often, however, existing plants cannot be easily replaced by modern equipment. The reasons for this can be high investment costs, excessive downtimes or the unavailability of an equivalent machine. An alternative solution to the purchase of new equipment is the modernisation or expansion of existing systems, also called retrofitting. Thus, this paper deals with the retrofit process of a machine tool, whereby the software architecture of the control unit is the primary concern of this work.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Alexander Dietrich, Ron van de Sand, Jörg Reiff-Stephan

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