Integrated Solar Production of Fertilisers and Fuels




Ammonia, Hydrogen, Solar Chemistry, Solar Fertiliser


Solar fertiliser production including the internal utilisation of the side-product oxygen is analysed as one promising example of an innovative process utilising renewable energy resources and addressing the aspect of integrated production – here in the case of nitrogen containing fertilisers. Alternative methods to supply solar energy into the energy intensive generation of precursors needed for nitrate-based fertiliser via the Haber Bosch and Ostwald processes are introduced. Those methods are assessed in a comparative way through process design and simulation with a focus on oxygen injection inside the NOx combustion of the Ostwald process and through calculation of its economic impacts.


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Roeb, M., López Martínez, P., Neumann, N., Baumstark, D., Klaas, L., Kriechbaumer, D., … Sattler, C. (2024). Integrated Solar Production of Fertilisers and Fuels. SolarPACES Conference Proceedings, 2.
##plugins.generic.dates.received## 2023-09-19
##plugins.generic.dates.accepted## 2024-04-24
##plugins.generic.dates.published## 2024-07-24

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