Extreme Value Analysis for Peak Heliostat Wind Load Predictions





Heliostat Wind Load, Solar Thermal Energy, Atmospheric Boundary Layer


This study investigated high-frequency load fluctuations on a rectangular heliostat model in a boundary layer wind tunnel experiment. Statistical methods for peak wind load predictions were compared with load distributions through load cell and surface pressure measurements on the heliostat model placed in two simulated atmospheric boundary layers (ABLs) representing a flat desert terrain and open country terrain. It was found that statistical peak predictions based on horizontal wind gust velocity amplitude underestimates the load coefficients in stow and at oblique azimuth angles for maximum azimuth moments. In addition, it was shown that the distributions of the centre of pressure position and the hinge moment in stow position are non-Gaussian. It is therefore recommended that the frequency and amplitude of the vertical wind velocity component must be considered for peak load predictions of hinge moments and azimuth moments.


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Emes, M., Leslie, B., & Arjomandi, M. (2024). Extreme Value Analysis for Peak Heliostat Wind Load Predictions. SolarPACES Conference Proceedings, 1. https://doi.org/10.52825/solarpaces.v1i.725

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