Cobalt-Based Perovskites as Efficient Oxygen Exchange Redox Materials for Solar Thermochemical Application
Cobalt-Based Perovskites, Oxygen Exchange, Solar EnergyAbstract
Solar thermochemical CO2 splitting (STCS) cycles provide the promising routes to generate renewable fuel, fuel precursors, or chemical feedstocks by the utilization of renewable resources like solar thermal energy and CO2 relating to current energy as well as climate change. Perovskites have been proposed as the potential oxygen exchange redox materials for the two-step STCS process due to their greater oxygen release and redox stability. Herein, the oxygen release and redox stability were investigated for the cobalt-based perovskites (SrCoO3-δ and SrCo0.9Zr0.1O3-δ) as the potential STCS candidates. Consequently, the XRD, FT-IR, and Raman confirmed the dual-phase perovskite constitutions of SrCo0.9Zr0.1O3-δ (i.e. SrCoO2.29 and SrZrO3) compared to SrCoO3-δ. The thermogravimetric analysis indicated the incorporation of Zr could facilitate the oxygen release and enhance the phase stability. The near-equilibrium lattice oxygen release and uptake at high temperatures could be observed through the redox performance of SrCo0.9Zr0.1O3-δ at different heating and cooling rates. The results are noteworthy and demonstrate the potential of Zr-enhanced cobalt-based perovskites as the oxygen exchange redox materials for practical solar thermochemical applications.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Liuqing Yang, Hui Liu, Jianan Hao, Junshe Zhang, Jinjia Wei

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Accepted 2024-06-28
Published 2024-07-24
Funding data
National Key Research and Development Program of China
Grant numbers 2021YFF0500400 -
National Natural Science Foundation of China
Grant numbers 21978230 -
Key Research and Development Projects of Shaanxi Province
Grant numbers 2022GXLH-01-08