Development of a Novel High Temperature Continuous Particle Mass Flow Measurement Device for Particle-Based CSP Applications




Particle-based CSP, Particle Mass Flow Measurement, High Temperature Particle Flow


Particle-based concentrating solar power (CSP) technology is one of the generation three (Gen3) CSP technologies that has potential for lowering the levelized cost of electricity produced by this solar thermal power systems. Commercially available ceramic particles, which are rated for high temperature applications up to 1200 °C, were selected for this study. This medium is commonly used as an energy carrier or heat transfer medium in Gen3 CSP research and development efforts [1]. Prior studies at the National Solar Thermal Test Facility (NSTTF) have investigated and evaluated various mass flow measurement methods, and a simple gravimetric temporal load measurement method was chosen as the best candidate for the research purpose [2]. This mass flow measurement method is a batch process and is not a viable solution for commercial-scale power generation applications based on cost, space, process control, and practical system integration factors. In-line and continuous particle mass flow measurement will play an integral role in efficient and cost effective Gen3 CSP particle technologies. Process parameters, including energy absorbed by the particles, receiver efficiency, temperature dependent flow phenomena, and general high temperature measurement reliability are all rely on repeatable and accurate measurement of particle mass flow under various operating conditions. Ceramic particles, like those used in this application, are not conventionally used as an energy carrier. A novel concept for continuous particle mass flow at a wide range of operating temperatures is currently under development and planned to be tested at the NSTTF, called the Particle In-LinE (PILE) mass flow sensor.


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How to Cite

Laubscher, H. F., Hastings, S. C., Plewe, K., & McLaughlin, L. P. (2024). Development of a Novel High Temperature Continuous Particle Mass Flow Measurement Device for Particle-Based CSP Applications. SolarPACES Conference Proceedings, 2.
Received 2023-10-21
Accepted 2024-06-24
Published 2024-09-16

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