Heliostat Fatigue Loads

Proposal for Estimation of Wind Load Collectives





Point Focus Systems, Heliostats, Wind Loads, Fatigue


An approach to estimate the wind load spectra for heliostats is proposed. It is based on the wind-induced fatigue cycle counts for buildings given by the Eurocode EN 1991 and considers heliostat specific impact factors. The approach can be further refined if data on specific wind and heliostat field properties are available.



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How to Cite

Pfahl, A. (2024). Heliostat Fatigue Loads: Proposal for Estimation of Wind Load Collectives. SolarPACES Conference Proceedings, 2. https://doi.org/10.52825/solarpaces.v2i.911
Received 2023-10-21
Accepted 2024-05-06
Published 2024-07-24