Solar Boiler for Almond Processing
Solar, Boiler, AlmondsAbstract
Since June of 2022, Sunvapor has been successfully operating the first solar boiler used for nut processing in the USA. Sunvapor engineered, managed the construction, and commissioned the turnkey solar steam generating facility for California Custom Processing (“CCP”), one of California’s leading almond processors located in Madera, California. CCP takes in raw almonds and performs a range of processes, including pasteurization, that require process steam. CCP was seeking to add steaming capacity to its boiler room, which has three 500 kWth (the subscript “th” means we are referring to thermal energy) gas boilers in order to raise its daytime production rate. The 2 MWth solar boiler developed by Sunvapor not only satisfied the need for additional daytime steaming capacity, but in clear sky conditions has supplied 100% of all the plant steam demand - with no greenhouse gas emissions. In this paper we present all phases of the life cycle of this first-of-a-kind solar boiler for nut processing; development, construction, commissioning, and operations.
1. ISO 9806:2017(E), Solar energy — Solar thermal collectors — Test methods.
2. ICC-SRCC #10002097, #10002054, #10002057
3. Federal Register/Vol. 78, No. 205. October 23, 2013.
4. Federal Register/Vol. 86, No. 89. May 11, 2021.
5. ASME B31.3-2016, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers
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Conference Proceedings Volume
Copyright (c) 2024 Philip Gleckman, Brandon Hathaway

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Accepted 2024-07-10
Published 2024-09-16
Funding data
California Energy Commission
Grant numbers Food Production Investment Program