Building Integrated Heliostats

Practicalities of UV Light Filtering and High Temperature Optics




Buildings, Heliostat, UV, Daylighting, Sunlight, Sustainable


Heliostats offer a means of improving solar access in densely populated cities. Ocular and skin health considerations recommend control of UV radiation from heliostats in the urban environment. Lessons from integration of polycarbonate filter systems for UV control with building integrated heliostats are discussed, including the impact of solar concentration ratios, thermal stresses, material properties and fatigue. Options for further increasing solar concentration ratios in building integrated heliostat systems are proposed.


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How to Cite

Lehmann, A., & Ekins-Daukes, N. (2024). Building Integrated Heliostats: Practicalities of UV Light Filtering and High Temperature Optics. SolarPACES Conference Proceedings, 2.

Conference Proceedings Volume


Operations, Maintenance, and Component Reliability
Received 2023-10-19
Accepted 2024-04-24
Published 2024-10-15