Reduced-Order Modeling of Indirect Fluidized-Bed Particle Receivers with Axial Dispersion
Bubbling Fluidization, Fluidized Bed, Particle-Wall Heat Transfer, Particle ReceiversAbstract
Oxide particles present a heat transfer and thermal energy storage (TES) media for next-generation concentrating solar power (CSP) plants where the high-temperature particle TES can provide dispatchable solar power [1]. Transferring heat to flowing particles can be a challenge and bubbling fluidization is a promising method for increased heat transfer between the oxide particles and confining walls. Using experimentally calibrated correlations for particle-wall heat transfer coefficients [2], this study explores in a quasi-1D model of a narrow-channel counterflow fluidized bed how the high heat transfer coefficients from bubbling fluidization enable cavity-based indirect particle receivers. Particle-wall heat transfer coefficients exceeding 800 W m-2 K-1 support angled solar fluxes > 200 kW m-2 from high normal fluxes > 1200 kW m-2 with wall temperatures < 900 oC. Parametric studies identify how gas flows, solar fluxes, and receiver heights impact receiver solar efficiency for a CSP plant. These modeling studies provide a basis for the development of an indirect narrow-channel fluidized particle receiver that has the potential to operate at normal solar fluxes over 1000 kW m-2 and solar efficiencies above 85%.
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Conference Proceedings Volume
Copyright (c) 2024 Keaton J. Brewster, Jesse R. Fosheim, Federico Municchi, Winfred R. Arthur-Arhin, Gregory S. Jackson

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Accepted 2024-04-23
Published 2024-08-01
Funding data
Solar Energy Technologies Office
Grant numbers DE-EE0008538;DE-EE0009812 -
National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program
Grant numbers DGE-2137099