Development of Readily Available & Robust High Heat Flux Gardon Gauges




Heat Flux Sensor, Calibration, Degradation


Concentrated solar power (CSP) technologies deliver concentrated solar energy as a heat source to industrial processes, power generation cycles, and chemical cycles. CSP systems require accurate and reliable high flux measurements, and next generation CSP systems will require flux measurement up to 1000 W/cm2. Existing flux measurement devices do not comprehensively meet the flux rating, cycle life, cost, and lead-time needs of stakeholders, necessitating the development of an improved flux sensor. In this study, Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) partnered with Hukseflux Thermal Sensors to develop a low-cost, short lead-time, and robust flux sensor rated to 250 W/cm2. Three prototype circular foil gauge designs were assessed for performance at the National Solar Thermal Test Facility (NSTTF) at SNL. Each gauge design measured flux up to 250 W/cm2 with <5% measurement error. Following baseline error quantification, gauges were exposed to flux above 500 W/cm2 to assess gauge failure mechanisms. Gauges physically survived >500 W/cm2 flux exposure, but measurement error was found to increase after foil coatings reached 400 °C. The results of this study suggest that coating optical properties change at excessive temperatures and that foil coating temperature, rather than heat flux level, dictates the acceptable gauge measurement range.


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How to Cite

McLaughlin, L., Laubscher, H. F., Nguyen, J., Banh, L., & Konings, J. (2024). Development of Readily Available & Robust High Heat Flux Gardon Gauges . SolarPACES Conference Proceedings, 2.
Received 2023-10-17
Accepted 2024-04-23
Published 2024-08-28

Funding data