Porous Monolithic Perovskite Structures for High-Temperature Thermochemical Heat Storage in Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) Plants and Renewable Electrification of Industrial Processes





Thermochemical Energy Storage, Porous Ceramics, Perovskites


A novel approach towards thermal energy storage of surplus renewable energy (RE) is introduced via a hybrid thermochemical/sensible heat storage concept implemented with the aid of porous structures made of redox metal oxides, capable of reversible reduction/oxidation upon heating/cooling in direct contact with air, accompanied, respectively, by endothermic/ exothermic heat effects and demonstrating fully reversible dimensional changes under cyclic operation. The proposed modular storage units can be heated during the day to a level exceeding the metal oxide’s reduction onset temperature either by hot air streams from air-operated Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) tower plants or via surplus/cheap RE-electricity from photovoltaics, wind, or other renewable sources (“charging”/energy storage step). When this RE sources become non-available or upon demand, the fully charged system can transfer its energy to a controlled airflow that passes through the porous oxide block and initiates the exothermic oxidation of the reduced metal oxide. Thus, a hot air stream is produced which can be used to provide electricity or exploitable heat for industrial processes. The present work elaborates on the operating principles and the potential application of this concept and reports progress in the preparation and shaping of reticulated porous ceramics (RPCs also known as “ceramic foams”) from CaMnO3-based perovskite compositions and their preliminary testing with respect to cyclic reduction-oxidation.


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How to Cite

Agrafiotis, C., Pein, M., Eltayeb, A., Klaas, L., de Oliveira, L., K. Singh, A., … Sattler, C. (2024). Porous Monolithic Perovskite Structures for High-Temperature Thermochemical Heat Storage in Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) Plants and Renewable Electrification of Industrial Processes. SolarPACES Conference Proceedings, 2. https://doi.org/10.52825/solarpaces.v2i.862

Conference Proceedings Volume


Thermal Energy Storage Materials, Media, and Systems
Received 2023-10-17
Accepted 2024-09-12
Published 2024-10-15

Funding data

  • European Commission
    Grant numbers HORIZON-CL5-2021-D3-03-101084569;HORIZON-CL5-2022-D4-01-05-101104182