5G as Communication Platform for Solar Tower Plants
5G for CSP
Wireless Communication, Cable Free Heliostat Field, Autonomous Heliostat, 5G Radio CommunicationAbstract
Wiring of heliostat fields for solar tower plants is a cost factor that becomes more important as the overall cost target is decreasing. Wireless heliostats with radio communication and autarchic energy supply have therefore been proposed in the past. But none of the communication solutions investigated so far could realistically scale to commercial size plants with tens of thousands of heliostats. Moreover, the digitalization of CSP plants with numerous mobile and stationary sensor systems requires a suitable data communication, too. The new generation of mobile radio communication (5G) is capable of handling the heterogenous communication profile portfolio comprising large numbers of units with low data rates – like heliostats - and few units with very large data volume – like e.g. drone-based camera systems. The communication requirements of a typical solar tower installation are assessed in this work and a data traffic model is created for the most relevant communication channels. The various existing 5G implementations are assessed to find the most suitable solution. Different operator models for 5G are considered and their applicability in CSP target countries is discussed. A simulation test case is presented that models the radio communication traffic of a heliostat field control during a cloud passage. Finally, the experimental 5G campus network is introduced that is currently installed at the Solar Tower Jülich research plant and will be operated in the upcoming months to demonstrate the technical feasibility of 5G radio for communication in solar fields.
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How to Cite
Conference Proceedings Volume
Copyright (c) 2024 Peter Schwarzbözl, Inga Miadowicz, Daniel Maldonado Quinto, Julian Golembiewski, Pascal Jörke, Timm Faulwasser, Christian Wietfeld

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Accepted 2024-04-24
Published 2024-07-24
Funding data
Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Innovation, Digitalisierung und Energie des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen
Grant numbers 005-2108-0068