Interactive CAD Layout of Reflection-Based Mirror Metrology Systems




Deflectometry Design, Metrology Design, CAD, SolidWorks, SOFAST, Reflection


Concentrating solar mirrors need to accurately focus sunlight onto a receiver. Since mirror surface normal determines reflected light direction, reflection-based metrology methods that measure surface normal have the advantage of directly measuring the mirror’s intended functional performance characteristic. Several methods have been reported that produce high-resolution measurements of mirror surface normal of concentrating solar mirrors [1-8]; these systems typically employ an optical target, a camera, and sometimes an external light source.  These elements must be placed in a configuration that satisfies multiple feasibility constraints, including mechanical and optical visibility and reflection constraints.  For complex problems or installations in cluttered environments, it can be difficult to analyze all of these constraints manually.  We have created a computer automated design (CAD) tool that aids in visualization of reflection-based metrology systems, making it possible to determine layouts for complex metrology design problems.  The tool is implemented SolidWorks, a commercial CAD system [9].  By exploiting the SoidWorks constraint satisfaction mechanism, the tool is able to present interactive visualization of reflection and field of view constraints in real time without any additional code or macros.  The tool supports ease of use and multiple design configurations through an ordinary spreadsheet interface.  The tool can be used to address a variety of reflection-based metrology design problems, and is available to the public as open source.


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How to Cite

Brimigion, F., Brost, R., & Smith, B. (2024). Interactive CAD Layout of Reflection-Based Mirror Metrology Systems. SolarPACES Conference Proceedings, 2.
Received 2023-10-12
Accepted 2024-07-15
Published 2024-08-28

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