Modeling Dense Particle Flow in Multistage and Obstructed Flow Receivers Using High Fidelity Simulations




Concentrating Solar Power, Particles, Falling Particle Receiver, CFD-DEM, Multistage Receiver, Obstructed Flow Receiver, Dense Particle Flow


Particles are a leading contender for next-generation, concentrating solar power technologies, and the design of the particle receiver is critical to minimize the levelized cost of electricity. Falling particle receivers (FPRs) are a viable receiver concept, but many new designs feature complex particle obstructions that include dense discrete phase flows. This creates additional challenges for modeling as particle-to-particle interactions (i.e., collisions) and particle drag become more complex. To improve upon existing modeling strategies, a CFD-DEM simulation capability was created by coupling two independent codes: Sierra/Fuego and LAMMPS. A suitable receiver model was then defined using a traditional continuum-based model for the air and a granular model for the particle curtain. A sensitivity study was executed using this model to determine the relevance of different granular model inputs on important quantities of interest in obstructed flow FPRs: the particle velocity and curtain opacity. The study showed that the granular model inputs had little effect on the particle velocity magnitude and curtain opacity after an obstruction.


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How to Cite

Mills, B., Pierce, F., Djajadiwinata, E., Saeed, R., Alaqel, S., & Saleh, N. (2024). Modeling Dense Particle Flow in Multistage and Obstructed Flow Receivers Using High Fidelity Simulations. SolarPACES Conference Proceedings, 2.

Conference Proceedings Volume


Receivers and Heat Transfer Media and Transport: Point Focus Systems
Received 2023-10-07
Accepted 2024-07-10
Published 2024-08-28