Transcritical Cycles With CO2-based Mixtures for CSP Applications: An Overview of the SCARABEUS Findings




CO2-Mixtures, CSP, Heat Exchanger Analysis, Innovative Power Cycles


This work summarizes the methodology developed within the H2020 EU project SCARABEUS for the analysis of innovative CO2-based mixtures used as working fluid in transcritical cycles for CSP applications. By adding a specific quantity of carefully selected dopant to CO2 it is possible to reach a high mixture critical temperature, suitable for air cooled cycles at very high minimum temperature in hot environments with high efficiencies. Along the methodology, some results related to the design of the turbine and the heat exchangers for the innovative mixtures are presented, including a focus on the system integration between the power block and the solar plant: as such, these results can be considered as interesting research outcomes to widen the knowledge on innovative solutions for efficient power cycles. The new power cycles are foreseen to drastically increase the profitability and cut the specific cost of CSP systems with respect to the state-of-the-art



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How to Cite

Morosini, E., Rodriguez de Arriba, P., Salah, S. I., Illyés, V., Guerif, X., Ruggiero, M., … Manzolini, G. (2024). Transcritical Cycles With CO2-based Mixtures for CSP Applications: An Overview of the SCARABEUS Findings. SolarPACES Conference Proceedings, 2.
Received 2023-10-03
Accepted 2024-05-03
Published 2024-07-24

Funding data