Testing and Validation of Innovative on-Site Solar Field Measurement Techniques to Increase Power Tower Plant Performance: The LEIA Project





Solar Power Tower Plants, Smart Solar Field, Smart Receiver Control, Operation and Maintenance Control Strategies


LEIA project aims to contribute to the development of the next generation of central receiver power plants focusing on validating a combination and integration of pre-commercial solar field control and O&M solutions for the central tower receiver technology using molten salts, as the most promising cost-effective solution with the highest market penetration potential. To effectively remove the existing technical and industrial barriers to optimize central receiver and heliostat field operation & maintenance and thus to improve overall CSP performance, the following innovations are being developed: 1) Smart heliostat field control, 2) Smart control systems, 3) Solar Field Operation and Maintenance control strategies. These developments will be tested and demonstrated in three flagship operational environments: a) Cerro Dominador (Chile), b) CIEMAT – PSA (Spain), and c) CENER – Tudela (Spain).


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How to Cite

Avila-Marin, A., Fernández-Reche, J., Monterreal, R., Ballestrin, J., Gallego, J. F., Casanova, M., … Zurita, A. (2024). Testing and Validation of Innovative on-Site Solar Field Measurement Techniques to Increase Power Tower Plant Performance: The LEIA Project. SolarPACES Conference Proceedings, 2. https://doi.org/10.52825/solarpaces.v2i.777

Conference Proceedings Volume


Receivers and Heat Transfer Media and Transport: Point Focus Systems
Received 2023-10-02
Accepted 2024-08-07
Published 2024-09-16

Funding data