Developing Deformable Facets for Heliostats: An Increased Solar Concentration for Thermochemical Applications with Central Tower Receivers




Heliostat, Concentrating Heliostats, Central Receiver Technology, CSP Technology, Facets


In the present article a new design of a deformable facet and a heliostat with several deformable facets is presented. Previous work has been made around designing heliostats with concentrating facets in the facilities of the Plataforma Solar de Hermosillo. The evaluation and design process of facets and their evolution is also shown and reviewed. The facet design was initially conceived as a parabolic trough surface, however, through a modification of the facet, the surface was transformed into a concave surface. The resulting spot produced by the facet assumes nearly a spherical surface. A heliostat constructed with these facets shows similar optical performance with a previous one made with spherical facets; this spherical heliostat has a higher peak and mean flux. Nevertheless, the deformable facet heliostat presents a simpler construction and structure. A comparison between both heliostats will be presented.


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How to Cite

González-López, J. P., Pérez-Enciso, R. A., Sosa-Flores, P., & A Estrada, C. (2024). Developing Deformable Facets for Heliostats: An Increased Solar Concentration for Thermochemical Applications with Central Tower Receivers. SolarPACES Conference Proceedings, 2.
Received 2023-09-25
Accepted 2024-05-03
Published 2024-10-15