DNI Forecast Tool for the Smart Operation of a Parabolic Trough Collector System With Concrete Thermal Energy Storage
Theory, Results and Outlook
Direct Normal Irradiance Forecast, DNI Forecast, Parabolic Trough Collector, PTC, Thermal Energy Storage, TES, Cloud Cover, Cloudiness, Weather Forecast, Wind Speed, Wind Direction, Relative Humidity, Smart OperationAbstract
This work presents a basic forecast tool for predicting direct normal irradiance (DNI) in hourly resolution, which the Solar-Institut Jülich (SIJ) is developing within a research project. The DNI forecast data shall be used for a parabolic trough collector (PTC) system with a concrete thermal energy storage (C-TES) located at the company KEAN Soft Drinks Ltd in Limassol, Cyprus. On a daily basis, 24-hour DNI prediction data in hourly resolution shall be automatically produced using free or very low-cost weather forecast data as input. The purpose of the DNI forecast tool is to automatically transfer the DNI forecast data on a daily basis to a main control unit (MCU). The MCU automatically makes a smart decision on the operation mode of the PTC system such as steam production mode and/or C-TES charging mode. The DNI forecast tool was evaluated using historical data of measured DNI from an on-site weather station, which was compared to the DNI forecast data. The DNI forecast tool was tested using data from 56 days between January and March 2022, which included days with a strong variation in DNI due to cloud passages. For the evaluation of the DNI forecast reliability, three categories were created and the forecast data was sorted accordingly. The result was that the DNI forecast tool has a reliability of 71.4 % based on the tested days. The result fulfils SIJ’s aim to achieve a reliability of around 70 %, but SIJ aims to still improve the DNI forecast quality.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Johannes Christoph Sattler, Vikrama Atti, Spiros Alexopoulos, Cristiano Teixeira Boura, Ulf Herrmann, Siddharth Dutta, Ioannis Kioutsioukis

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