
Design and Performance of the Two-Stage Volumetric Conical Receiver





CSP, Central Tower Receiver, Volumetric Air Receiver


Open volumetric air receivers in solar tower systems are attractive for electricity generation as well as for process heat in chemical and other industrial applications. From the experience of past development stages, a new receiver concept was created with a conical cavity, with hexagonal cross-section for the modularity and a two-stage air heating. Several simulations have been performed. A prototype receiver module with approx. 175 kW thermal output has been manufactured and will be tested in DLR’s Synlight. For different module sizes the cost estimation for industrial fabrication was calculated as well as the performance, ranging from 89% to 78% at 700°C hot air temperature.


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B. Hoffschmidt, F. L. M. Téllez, A. Valverde, J. S. Fernández and V. Fernández, Performance evaluation of the 200-kWth HiTRec-II open volumetric air receiver. J. Sol. Energy Eng., 125(1), 87-94 (2003). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1115/1.1530627.

H. Stadler, P. Schwarzbözl, D. Maldonado, R. Broeske, F. Andlauer, J. Trautner and J. Schrüfer, Performance assessment of an improved open volumetric receiver design with 240 MWth. AIP Conference Proceedings 2126 (2019).

P. Schwarzbözl, S. Giuliano, K. Noureldin, T. Doerbeck, A. Rosselló, J. Schrüfer, Annual Performance Assessment of a 50 MWe Commercial Solar Tower Plant with Improved Open Volumetric Receiver. Proceedings of SolarPACES (2020), Online Conference, Sept. 28 – Oct. 2.




How to Cite

Busch, K., Uhlig, R., Schwarzboezl, P., Schneider, W., Kolbe, S., & Doerbeck, T. (2024). VoCoRec: Design and Performance of the Two-Stage Volumetric Conical Receiver. SolarPACES Conference Proceedings, 1. https://doi.org/10.52825/solarpaces.v1i.707

Conference Proceedings Volume


Receivers and Heat Transfer Media and Transport: Point Focus Systems

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