Design of a High Flux Beam Characterization Device for Falling Particle Receivers




Falling Particle Receiver, Flux Characterization, G3P3


This paper outlines the design and error analysis for a flux characterization device (i.e. flux wand) which traverses the aperture of a falling particle receiver cavity providing the incident power measurement needed for the calculation of receiver efficiency without significantly disrupting receiver output. The design features a linear actuator, water cooled extension arm, and refractory bar. The refractory bar/flux wand is a diffusely reflective surface which reflects light as it is translated across the receiver aperture to provide a light intensity distribution that is correlated to a measured flux. The component sizing, constrained by a typical 30 frame per second camera and a 4-point average of the measured reflectance, is presented. Simulation reveals the error that results from a 5% variation in flux wand reflectance is within 4% of the true value.


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How to Cite

Schroeder, N., & Smith, B. (2024). Design of a High Flux Beam Characterization Device for Falling Particle Receivers. SolarPACES Conference Proceedings, 1.

Conference Proceedings Volume


Measurement Systems, Devices, and Procedures

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