Heliostat Wind Load Field Measurements at the University of Adelaide Atmospheric Boundary Layer Research Facility (ABLRF)
Atmospheric Boundary Layer, Field Measurements, Aerodynamic Coefficients, Lift Force, Drag Force, Integral Length Scale, Surface Roughness, Wind Loads, TurbulenceAbstract
The University of Adelaide has recently commissioned a facility dedicated to investigating the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) for the analysis of wind loads on full-scale heliostats. Wind tunnel testing is an affordable way to analyse loads on a scaled structure before committing to a full-scale design. Scale testing however has its challenges as most cases in literature fail to correctly scale the ABL when scaling a model due to the differences between the ratio of the heliostat chord to the boundary layer depth in a wind tunnel and ABL. There is a lack of direct comparison between wind tunnel and full-scale heliostat wind loads. The Atmospheric Boundary Layer Research Facility (ABLRF) consists of arrays of ultrasonic anemometers and a 1.5 aspect ratio heliostat, mounted on a 6-axis load cell, for the comparison of loads measured in the wind tunnel with a full-scale model. Preliminary results categorise the site to have a roughness of 0.01 m to 0.03 m indicating open country farmland, when compared to standards. Comparison between coefficients of lift force, drag force, and hinge moment on the heliostat model at a single elevation angle at the ABLRF and wind tunnel models in literature verify the commissioning of the site, allowing for further in-depth analysis of wind load coefficients at varying elevation and azimuth angles.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Matthew Marano, Matthew Emes, Azadeh Jafari, Maziar Arjomandi

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Funding data
Australian Renewable Energy Agency
Grant numbers 1-SRI002