PECVD SixCy as Barrier Layer Against Aluminum in Solar Cells With poly-Si/SiOx Passivating Contacts
Passivating Contacts, Metallization, Aluminum, Silicon CarbideAbstract
We investigate the barrier properties of phosphorus-doped Si-rich silicon carbide (SixCy) thin films deposited by PECVD against Al/Si alloying in the context of poly-Si/SiOx passivating contacts. The stability of the implied open circuit voltage (iVOC) after firing of single-sided, full area screen-printed Al-contacts increases with carbon content of the barrier layer and depends on the crystallization scheme applied to the samples. Crystallized SixCy layers with an atomic C concentration of about 20 at.% deposited on pre-crystallized poly-Si predominantly show no significant decrease in iVOC values for peak firing temperatures up to 725°C.
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Conference Proceedings Volume
Copyright (c) 2024 David Bäurle, Benjamin Gapp, Giso Hahn, Heiko Plagwitz, Barbara Terheiden

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Accepted 2024-07-23
Published 2024-12-06
Funding data
Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz
Grant numbers FKZ 03EE1106B