Generating and Calibrating a Microscopic Traffic Flow Simulation Network of Kyoto
First Insights from Simulating Private and Public Transport
Simulation and Modeling, Network Modeling, Public Transportation Management, CalibrationAbstract
Microscopic traffic flow simulations as tools for enabling detailed insights on traffic efficiency and safety gained numerous popularity among transportation researchers, planners and engineers in the first to decades of the 21st century. By implementing a test bed for simulation scenarios of complex urban transportation infrastructure it is possible to inspect specific effects of introducing small infrastructural changes related to the built environment and to the introduction of advanced traffic control strategies. The possibility of reproducing present problems or the transportation services, such as the ones of public bus services is a key motivation of this work. In this research, we reproduce the road network of the city of Kyoto for observing specific travel patterns of public buses such as the bus bunching phenomena. Therefore, a selection of currently available data sets is used for calibrating a cutout of the Kyoto road network of a relatively large extent. After introducing a method for geodata extraction and conversion, we approach the calibration by introducing virtual detectors representing present inductive loops and make use of historical traffic count records. Additionally, we introduce bus routes partially contributed by volunteer mappers (OSM project). First simulation outcomes show numerous familiar (local knowledge) flow patterns.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Andreas Keler, Wenzhe Sun, Jan-Dirk Schmöcker

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Funding data
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science London
Grant numbers International Research Fellow program