The Effects of Route Randomization on Urban Emissions
Routing, Route Randomization, Traffic Simulation, Urban EmissionsAbstract
Routing algorithms typically suggest the fastest path or slight variation to reach a user's desired destination. Although this suggestion at the individual level is undoubtedly advantageous for the user, from a collective point of view, the aggregation of all single suggested paths may result in an increasing impact (e.g., in terms of emissions).
In this study, we use SUMO to simulate the effects of incorporating randomness into routing algorithms on emissions, their distribution, and travel time in the urban area of Milan (Italy). Our results reveal that, given the common practice of routing towards the fastest path, a certain level of randomness in routes reduces emissions and travel time. In other words, the stronger the random component in the routes, the more pronounced the benefits upon a certain threshold. Our research provides insight into the potential advantages of considering collective outcomes in routing decisions and highlights the need to explore further the relationship between route randomization and sustainability in urban transportation.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Giuliano Cornacchia, Mirco Nanni, Dino Pedreschi, Luca Pappalardo

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