SUMO Roundabout Simulation with Human in the Loop
SUMO cosimulation, Human in the loop, Driving simulator, Autonomous and connected vehiclesAbstract
Traffic simulators rely on calibrated driver models in order to reproduce human behavior in different traffic scenarios. Even if quite accurate results can be obtained, the actual interaction between human being and traffic cannot be completely reproduced. In particular, as automated vehicles are being developed, the human in the loop is required to understand whether drivers feel comfortable and safe in mixed traffic conditions. In recent years, dynamic driving simulators have been developed to test vehicles in complex or dangerous situations in safe and controlled environments. However, driving simulators are mostly devoted to the study of vehicle dynamics more than traffic situations.
This paper presents an integration of SUMO with a high end dynamic driving simulator with the aim to study human reactions while negotiating a roundabout in mixed traffic conditions. SUMO is in charge of traffic simulation, while a full vehicle model is employed for the simulation of the dynamic of the human driven car. To allow a human to effectively drive the car, both simulation environments have to run in real time while exchanging the required information. Also, scenario graphics, sound and driving simulator feedback motion have to be accurately realized and synchronized with the simulations. A real-time server is employed for the synchronization of the different environments. As SUMO does not consider vehicle dynamics, particular attention is devoted to the a realistic reconstruction of trajectories and vehicle dynamics to be represented in the scenario.
Some preliminary tests are shown where a panel of testers has been asked to negotiate the roundabout with different percentages of automated vehicles. The results of the tests show that drivers were able to perceive differences in the behavior of other vehicles and that the proposed approach is effective for understanding the feeling of comfort and safety of the human driver.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Giorgio Previati, Gianpiero Mastinu

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Funding data
Horizon 2020
Grant numbers 101015922