LLMs4OL 2024: The 1st Large Language Models for Ontology Learning Challenge at the 23rd ISWC
Vol. 4 (2024)Co-located with the 23rd International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2024)
Hamed Babaei Giglou, TIB Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology, Hannover, Germany
Dr. Jennifer D’Souza, TIB Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology, Hannover, Germany
Prof. Dr. Sören Auer, TIB Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology, Hannover, Germany
Review process
The contributions undergo a review process via the EasyChair Platform. Each paper was reviewed at least by three reviewers to ensure quality.
Funding for the publication of this volume is provided by the NFDI4DataScience initiative (DFG, German Research Foundation, Grant ID: 460234259) and the SCINEXT project (BMBF, German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Grant ID: 01lS22070).
Visions and Strategies for Reinforcing Additively Manufactured Constructions 2023
Vol. 3 (2023)Editors
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Asko Fromm, Hochschule Wismar, Germany
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Norman Hack, TU Braunschweig, Germany
Review process
The contributions (max. 10 A4 pages) undergo a double-blind review process via Open Conference Proceedings.
Funding for the publication of this volume is provided by the DFG-funded Scientific Network: Adaptive Armierung geometrisch komplexer zementgebundener Formkörper. Project identifier: German Research Foundation (DFG) - Project number 326129619.
22. Nachwuchswissenschaftler*innenkonferenz (NWK)
Vol. 2 (2022)11. - 13. Mai 2022, Brandenburg an der Havel | 11-13 May 2022, Brandenburg an der Havel
Herausgeber | Editors
Prof. Dr. rer. oec. Andreas Wilms, Technischen Hochschule Brandenburg
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sören Hirsch, Technischen Hochschule Brandenburg
Begutachtung | Review process
Die Beiträge wurden auf Basis ihres Abstracts für die Konferenz angenommen. Die Langform der Texte wurde weder korrigiert noch lektoriert. | The papers were accepted for the conference on the basis of their abstract. The long form of the texts was neither corrected nor proofread.
Finanzierung | Financing
Diese Veröffentlichung wurde aus Mitteln des Publikationsfonds für Open Access Monografien des Landes Brandenburg gefördert. | This publication was supported by funds from the Publication Fund for Open Access Monographs of the Federal State of Brandenburg, Germany.
Titelfoto | Title image
Technische Hochschule Brandenburg
Vision and Strategies for Reinforcing Additively Manufactured Concrete Structures
Vol. 1 (2022)4 November 2021, Technische Universität Dresden
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Asko Fromm, Hochschule Wismar
Univ. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Viktor Mechtcherine, TU Dresden
Review process
The contributions (max. 10 A4 pages) undergo a double-blind review process via Open Conference Proceedings.
Funding for the publication of this volume is provided by the DFG-funded Scientific Network: Adaptive Armierung geometrisch komplexer zementgebundener Formkörper. Project identifier: German Research Foundation (DFG) - Project number 326129619.