silp_nlp at LLMs4OL 2024 Tasks A, B, and C: Ontology Learning through Prompts with LLMs
Large Language Models, LLMs, Ontology Learning, Prompt-based Learning, GPT, LlamaAbstract
Our team, silp_nlp, participated in the LLMs4OL Challenge at ISWC 2024, engaging in all three tasks focused on ontology generation. The tasks include predicting the type of a given term, extracting a hierarchical taxonomy between two terms, and extracting non-taxonomy relations between two terms. To accomplish these tasks, we used machine learning models such as random forest, logistic regression and generative models for the first task and generative models such as llama-3-8b-instruct, mistral 8*7b and GPT-4o-mini for the second and third tasks. Our results showed that generative models performed better for certain domains, such as subtasks A6 and B2. However, for other domains, the prompt-based technique failed to generate promising results. Our team achieved first place in six subtasks and second place in five subtasks, demonstrating our expertise in ontology generation.
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