Sustainability of Parcel Stations - Opportunities for Climate Protection
Sustainability, Parcel station, Last mile , Parcel delivery, Urban logisticsAbstract
Growing e-commerce leads to more traffic, congestion and emissions in cities due to the increasing parcel volumes. Parcel stations can represent a sustainable form of parcel delivery to private households. This paper addresses the research question under which conditions the use of parcel stations can make a relevant contribution to climate-friendly urban logistics. First, the sustainability of parcel stations is evaluated; then, the usage behavior and the acceptance of the recipients is analyzed in order to identify fields of action for increasing acceptance and the need for further research. The data source for this work is a systematic search of current literature and research projects.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Maximilian Engelhardt, Ben Geier, Stephan Seeck, Birte Malzahn

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