Towards Machine-Actionable Scientific Knowledge as FAIR Digital Objects




Scientific Knowledge, ORKG, Digital Scholarship, FAIR Principles, FAIR Digital Objects (FDO), RO-Crates, Nanopublications, Semantic Unit


Building on the Open Research Knowledge Graph as an infrastructure for the production, curation, and publication of FAIR scientific knowledge, we present a concept that models original articles and the corresponding expression in the ORKG as independent and interlinked FDOs by organizing the content describing an article into semantic units.


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How to Cite

Biniossek, C., Betz, D., Vogt, L., & Stocker, M. (2025). Towards Machine-Actionable Scientific Knowledge as FAIR Digital Objects. Open Conference Proceedings, 5.
Received 2024-07-06
Accepted 2024-10-18
Published 2025-03-18

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