Social Media in Nutrition Communication - Relevance and Potentials
Social Media, Food, Nutrition, Communication, Review, Digital health, Social Support, HealthAbstract
The contribution is an excerpt from the study Soziale Medien in der Ernährungskommunikation – Relevanz und Potenziale, kostenloser Download unter
Aim: On behalf of the Max Rubner Institute, an overview of the complex topic of nutrition communication in digital media was created with a focus on approaches to promoting healthy nutrition using social media.
Methodology: systematic review (Cochrane standard)
Results: 146 reviews, plus 62 studies and reports were included and summarized in three thematic blocks: potential for behavioral change, possible uses for professionals and the influence of social media on nutrition and health. The potentials for using digital media for a healthier and more sustainable nutrition are promising in all areas, but there is a need for more use in pratice and long-term studies.
Discussion: Specialist organizations must become more active. For this purpose, recommendations for action were drawn up in eight points.
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