Analysis of the Compression Behavior of Different Cardboard Materials During Embossing
embossing, compaction, fiber composite, simulation, compressibility, cardboardAbstract
Embossing is an important design and functionality element. For instance, embossing is used to apply braille letters on medical products, or to enhance folding packages or brochures due to haptic effects. Usually, a multilayered cardboard material is used for such types of products. Up to now, high-quality and functional embossing has so far been associated with an extraordinarily large amount of experience-based know-how and with many cost-intense trial-and-error experiments due to the mechanical complexity of cardboard material. In the presented work it is shown how experimental investigations and numerical simulations based on Finite-Element-Analysis can contribute to a virtual prediction of the embossing process and, therefore, can help to reduce time-consuming and expensive experiments.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Ulrike Kaeppeler, Klaus Schneller, Florian Wallburg, Lutz Engisch, Stephan Schönfelder

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Funding data
Sächsisches Staatsministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst
European Commission
Grant numbers SmartKMU (Project No. 100 38 21 59)