FDO as an Interoperability Framework for the Biodiversity Digital Twin Project
Digital Objects, FDO, FAIR, RO-Crate, Metadata, Digital Twins, Biodiversity, Machine-ActionabilityAbstract
This conference abstract introduces our progress with using the FAIR Digital Object (FDO) paradigm, implemented through RO-Crate, as an interoperability framework in the Biodiversity Digital Twin (BioDT) project. After providing some background on the project and the importance of FAIR in it, the approach followed concerning FDO and RO-Crate is explained, together with our current efforts in structuring the different digital object types in BioDT, as well as the development of metadata profiles and our attempts at aligning with community practices.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Julian Lopez Gordillo, Sharif Islam

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HORIZON EUROPE Research Infrastructures
Grant numbers 101057437