Cooking with DOIs

A Recipe for FAIR Digital Specimens Using FDOs




In the global biodiversity crisis, robust data management is growing increasingly important in the sector. The Digital Specimen is a response to this need, facilitating important connections between infrastructures. The FAIR Digital Object (FDO) paradigm offers a  further machine-actionable solution to data management. One FDO component is assigning of unique, persistent identifiers to the object, and enriching these identifiers with a machine-readable “FDO Record” to further describe the referent. This conference presentation discussed Digital Specimens as FDOs, and how assigning persistent identifiers with FDO records was achieved through a partnership between DiSSCo and DataCite.


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How to Cite

Theocharides, S., Addink, W., Islam, S., Buys, M., & El-Gebali, S. (2025). Cooking with DOIs: A Recipe for FAIR Digital Specimens Using FDOs. Open Conference Proceedings, 5.

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