Survey of Industrial Excess Heat Potentials in Austria
Excess Heat, Waste Heat, IndustryAbstract
In the research and service study for the Energy Transition 2050 program, the technical excess heat potentials for both energy-intensive and energy-extensive Austrian industry were surveyed. A bottom-up approach for most of the energy-intensive industry and a top-down approach for most of the energy-extensive industry were used by the consortium under the leadership of the Chair of Energy Network Technology EVT of Montanuniversität Leoben. The surveyed potentials were classified according to temperature level of excess heat, origin from the process, spatial occurrence and industry sectors. In order to estimate the future industrial excess heat potentials, a database of the innovation network "New Energy for Industry" (NEFI) was used. For the geographical localization, the results were integrated into the existing Austrian Heat Map, which enables a comparison with heat demand densities and existing heating networks. A technical excess heat potential of about 34 TWh could be identified. Thereof, about 300 companies of the energy-intensive industry, which were mainly calculated by the bottom-up method, account for a technical excess heat potential of about 26 TWh. For the energy-extensive industry, an excess heat potential of about 4 TWh was identified for more than 1500 companies using mostly the statistical top-down method. Due to existing know-how in the consortium, the technical excess heat potentials of more than 600 sewage treatment plants could also be estimated at approx. 4 TWh.
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Conference Proceedings Volume
Copyright (c) 2024 Andreas Hammer, Elisabeth Lachner, Thomas Kienberger, Wolfgang Gruber-Glatzl, Stefan Reuter, Marcus Hummel

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Funding data
Klima- und Energiefonds
Grant numbers 883479