Biomass to Bioenergy in the Province of Huíla, Angola
Biomass to Bioenergy, Cookstoves, Three-stone fire, Efficient Burners, Energy ScenariosAbstract
The search for cleaner energy sources in Angola has grown significantly due to the need to reduce the dependence on diesel generators to supply electricity, which, combined with the fossil fuels consumption in the transport and industrial sectors, puts the country on the path of those who have increased the greenhouse gas emissions over the last years. Only 30% of the population has access to electricity despite the country's extensive resources of hydroelectric power and fossil fuels. Vegetable biomass accounts for 65% of the country's primary energy supply, and 80% of the rural population depends on it to meet most of their energy needs. This biomass is burned in poor-quality devices, making them inefficient and causing health issues for the users exposed to the combustion gases. Therefore, this work aims to evaluate options for a greener and more sustainable use of biomass to bioenergy, and different scenarios were built based on the current use of biomass. Results show that the use in the Province of Huíla of the biomass residues could replace by 50% the firewood. The replacement of the three-stone fire by using more efficient cooking stoves will reduce the amount of biomass needed and therefore, the residues from the province would suffit the demand to cook. The use of those more efficient stoves will also allow a reduction of harmful emissions. However, changing the stoves by more efficient ones also result in an economical burden that may not be reached by most rural populations.
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