TIB Open Publishing unterstützt die Veröffentlichung von Open-Access-Zeitschirften und Konferenzpublikationen. Dabei ist Offenheit unser Kernwert.
Zeitschriften und Konferenzpublikationen
AgriVoltaics Conference Proceedings
The AgriVoltaics Conference Proceedings cover the proceedings of the international AgriVoltaics World Conferences, taking place annually.
Business Information Systems
Business Information Systems (BIS) are the proceedings of the same-named conference. BIS is a renowned international conference on business information systems. BIS 2021 was the 24th in a series of international conferences.
DAE Panel
DAE Panel is an international journal devoted to all aspects of differential equations with constraints.
Potential topics include – but are not limited to – analysis, modelling, simulation and control of differential-algebraic equations and partial differential-algebraic equations. Potential techniques may include – but are not limited to – algebra, dynamical systems, functional analysis, linear algebra, algebraic or differential geometry, numerical analysis, operator theory, optimal control, optimization, systems theory or stochastics.
The editorial policy of DAE Panel is to publish original and high quality research papers which contain a substantial mathematical contribution. Mathematically oriented survey papers on topics of exceptional interest to the systems and control community will also be considered. DAE Panel publishes neither brief papers nor technical notes.
German Journal of Agricultural Economics
The German Journal of Agricultural Economics (GJAE) is a double-blind peer reviewed scientific journal for articles in the field of agricultural and food economics and related disciplines. The journal's archive can also be found at: https://www.gjae-online.de/past-issues/.
Glass Europe
Glass Europe is a cost-free, peer-reviewed, open access journal build by the community of European glass scientists and glass technologists.
International Sustainable Energy Conference - Proceedings
The ISEC - Proceedings cover the proceedings of the international ISEC conference taking place every second year.
Das Johnson-Journal ist eine literaturwissenschaftliche Zeitschrift, die sich mit der neuesten deutschen Literatur seit dem Zweiten Weltkrieg bis in die Gegenwart befasst. Im Fokus steht die Erforschung von Uwe Johnsons Leben und Werk. Die Beiträge durchlaufen ein Peer Review-Verfahren.
Living Journal of Reviews in Science and Technology
The Living Journal of Reviews in Science and Technology introduces dynamic, continuously updated literature reviews using the Open Research Knowledge Graph (ORKG) to organize scientific knowledge in science and technology semantically. Unlike static traditional reviews, ORKG-based content is expandable and promotes sustainability.
Open Conference Proceedings
Open Conference Proceedings (OCP) is an open series dedicated to publish proceedings from various conferences, workshops, symposia, and other academic events.
Proceedings of the Conference on Research Data Infrastructure
Research data form the basis for knowledge and innovation throughout all scientific disciplines. They play a fundamental role in the progress of our society. The key to using these data treasures is an effective infrastructure. With the first edition of the Conference on Research Data Infrastructure from 12 to 14 September 2023, the Association German National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) is initiating a conference that will focus on establishing interdisciplinary research data management (RDM).
Proceedings of: Tagung Zukünftige Stromnetze | Future Power Grids Conference
The Proceedings of: Tagung Zukünftige Stromnetze | Future Power Grids Conference cover the proceedings of the Tagung Zukünftige Stromnetze | Future Power Grids Conference taking place annually.
PV-Symposium Proceedings
The PV-Symposium Proceedings cover the proceedings of the PV-Symposium taking place annually.
SiliconPV Conference Proceedings
The SiliconPV Conference Proceedings cover the proceedings of the international SiliconPV conferences taking place annually.
SolarPACES Conference Proceedings
The SolarPACES Conference Proceedings cover the proceedings of the international SolarPACES conferences taking place annually.
Solarthermie-Symposium Proceedings
The Solarthermie-Symposium Proceedings cover the proceedings of the Symposium Zukunft Wärme (formerly Symposium Solarthermie und Innovative Wärmesysteme |Symposium on Solar Thermal and Innovative Heating Systems) taking place annually.
SUMO Conference Proceedings
SUMO Conference Proceedings (SCP) is dedicated to publish the proceedings of the SUMO user conference.
TH Wildau Engineering and Natural Sciences Proceedings
TH Wildau Engineering and Natural Sciences Proceedings (TH Wildau ENSP) are the home for various proceedings of conferences organized by researchers of the TH Wildau.