Accessibility statement

(Date of this declaration 10 March 2021)

Information on the accessibility of these web pages and its contact details in accordance with § 9b NBGG.

This accessibility statement applies to and its subpages.

TIB Open Publishing is a platform for publishing open access publications. A key goal of Open Access is free access to scientific literature. This free access should be equally possible for all people. Therefore, accessibility of our website and the published content is an important goal of TIB Open Publishing.

These websites are mostly compatible with the requirements of the harmonized European standard EN 301 549 V2.1.2 (08-2018) and WCAG 2.0 (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines).

Non-accessible content

  • Some PDF files.
The listed content is not accessible for the following reasons:

We try to maximize accessibility to content by creating automated XML/LaTeX-based PDFs, however we must also support PDF files created by authors or publishers that may not meet our standards. In these cases, we actively consult with users to improve accessibility of legacy PDF files.

The website is being adapted and optimized to comply with the EU Directive 2016/2102 on the implementation of accessible internet for public bodies. The identified shortcomings and deficiencies are currently in a continuous improvement process that is being successively worked through.

Establishment of this accessibility statement

This statement was established on 09 March 2021. The assessment is based on self-assessment. We use cypress and travis tools to evaluate the websites. PKP, the organization that develops OJS, has had the software reviewed by Access Changes Everything and implemented the resulting recommendations.

Feedback and contact details

You can report cases of non-compliance with accessibility requirements through the following contact:

Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB)
- Vertrauensperson der TIB für schwerbehinderte Menschen -
Postfach 60 80, 30060 Hannover
Phone: + 49 511 762-17806 | Email: SBV [at] tib [dot] eu

Arbitration procedure

If you are not satisfied with the answers of our above-mentioned contact point, you can contact the arbitration office, which is located at the State Representative for People with Disabilities in Lower Saxony, for the initiation of an arbitration procedure in accordance with the Niedersächsisches Behindertengleichstellungsgesetz (Disability Equality Act of Lower Saxony) (NBGG).

The arbitration office has the task according to § 9 d NBGG of settling disputes between people with disabilities and public institutions of the state of Lower Saxony on the topic of accessibility in IT. The arbitration procedure is free of charge. No Legal Counsels are required.

You can contact the arbitration office directly at