About us
TIB Open Publishing is a diamond open access publisher of scientific journals and conference publications. Our service is available to all scientific disciplines, although the focus is on Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB)'s central subjects: natural sciences and technology. Our service is aimed at editors of scientific journals and conference publications who want a library-supported, but at the same time sophisticated, sustainable, and fully open access publication option. The TIB Open Publishing offer is aimed at existing conference publications and journals as well as well as new launches. We are happy to help you convert publications from the subscription model to open access. TIB Open Publishing is a home for open-access publications not charging article processing charges (APCs).
Open by default
All journals and conference proceedings published by TIB Open Publishing are open access. Authors retain the copyright to their publications and the published content is distributed under Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0. Thus, authors are free to deposit all versions of their work (preprint, accepted manuscript, version of record) in repositories or on websites. All contents are preserved long-term by TIB’s in-house preservation system or Portico. Each article or conference paper receives its own DOI. Authors can connect to their ORCID and the use of the institutional identifier ROR is enabled. The eISSN of each publication can be found on the websites of the individual publication.
Quality, integrity, and transparency
When selecting journals and conference publications, we are guided by a set of standards that they must meet together with us. Please note that there should be compatibility with the funding criteria of the research funders associated in cOAlition S ("Plan S"). Our quality standards are based on the technical implementation guidelines of Plan S), but also on the DOAJ Seal), the OASPA membership criteria, and the COPE guidelines). TIB Open Publishing follows the COPE guidelines on publications ethics. Detailed information on the handling of conflicts of interests, complaints, post publication corrections, etc. can be found on the journals’ and proceedings’ websites. TIB Open Publishing follows the COPE guidelines on publications ethics. Detailed information on the handling of conflicts of interests, complaints, post publication corrections, etc. can be found on the journals’ and proceedings’ websites.
The scientists who act as editors and reviewers for the journals and conference publications are responsible for the quality assurance of the content. TIB Open Publishing has no influence on this. All articles and conference papers published by TIB Open Publishing are peer-reviewed. Details on the respective review process can be found on the website of each journal or conference publication.
You may find further information on our service on the "Publish with us" page.