Of Innovators, Enablers and Change Agents: Disentangling Actors and Their Roles in Agri-Food Transition Processes
Transformation, Sustainability, Organic Agriculture, Organic Model Region, Multi-Actor Perspective, Social Ecological InventoryAbstract
The urgent need for a fundamental change within agri-food systems, driven by the critical challenge of surpassing planetary boundaries, necessitates a comprehensive understanding of the actors and their roles in transition processes. This study addresses a significant knowledge gap by exploring the dynamics of actor interactions and the multifaceted roles they play in facilitating or hindering the transition towards more sustainable agri-food systems. Focusing on the Bio-Musterregion Heidenheim plus in Baden-Württemberg, Germany, as a case study, data were collected using the Social Ecological Inventory method. As a theoretical framework, the study was based on the multi-actor perspective. Altogether 157 actors and numerous roles were identified. Key findings refute the assumption that an actor inherently has a fixed role. We also show that roles are dynamic and can change over time. Furthermore, actors can take on multiple roles simultaneously. We conclude that a nuanced understanding of actor dynamics and their evolving roles is crucial for managing sustainability transitions. Efforts need to be directed towards supporting networking and knowledge sharing between niche actors. Equally important is the transfer of initiatives and knowledge from the niche level to the regime level, which may be achieved by empowering change agents in the political sphere.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Carolin Schweizerhof, Claudia Bieling

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Accepted 2024-09-21
Published 2024-11-07