Abstract Dissipative Hamiltonian Differential-Algebraic Equations Are Everywhere





Abstract Differential-Algebraic Equation, Closure Relation, Dissipative Hamiltonian System, Energy Based Modelling, Operator Pair, Regular Pair, Singular Pair


In this paper we study the representation of partial differential equations (PDEs) as abstract differential-algebraic equations (DAEs) with dissipative Hamiltonian structure (adHDAEs). We show that these systems not only arise when there are constraints coming from the underlying physics, but many standard PDE models can be seen as an adHDAE on an extended state space. This reflects the fact that models often include closure relations and structural properties. We present a unifying operator theoretic approach to analyze the properties of such operator equations and illustrate this by several applications.


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How to Cite

Zwart, H., & Mehrmann, V. (2024). Abstract Dissipative Hamiltonian Differential-Algebraic Equations Are Everywhere. DAE Panel, 2. https://doi.org/10.52825/dae-p.v2i.957



Research articles
Received 2023-11-08
Accepted 2024-06-05
Published 2024-08-23

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