Optimization-Based Business Process Model Matching
Process Model Matching, Optimization Problem, Integer Linear Programming, Behavioral SimilarityAbstract
The rapid increase in generation of business process models in the industry has raised the demand on the development of process model matching approaches. In this paper, we introduce a novel optimization-based business process model matching approach which can flexibly incorporate both the behavioral and label information of processes for the identification of correspondences between activities. Given two business process models, we achieve our goal by defining an integer linear program which maximizes the label similarities among process activities and the behavioral similarity between the process models. Our approach enables the user to determine the importance of the local label-based similarities and the global behavioral similarity of the models by offering the utilization of a predefined weighting parameter, allowing for flexibility. Moreover, extensive experimental evaluation performed on three real-world datasets points out the high accuracy of our proposal, outperforming the state of the art.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Merih Seran Uysal, Dominik Hüser, Wil M.P van der Aalst
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