An Integrated Group Decision-Making Approach Considering Uncertainty Conditions
Group decision-making, uncertainty conditions, cost-benefit estimation, Wald’s, Laplace’s, Hurwitz’s, Savage’s criteriaAbstract
The management of business information processes needs effective decision-making models. That means to involve different methods, techniques, and principles to improve competitiveness and to achieve the planned business results. In this context, the article deals with the problem of group decision-making under uncertain conditions. To cope with such problems some well-known optimization strategies of Wald, Laplace, Hurwitz, and Savage are modified to take into account the experts’ opinions with different importance when forming the final group decision. Numerical testing is based on a case study for CRM software selection. The results are discussed based on the proposed models under two different cases derived from the case study. The conducted numerical testing of the proposed models demonstrates their applicability to cope simultaneously with multiple experts’ evaluations and uncertainty conditions.
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