Towards a More Sustainable Viticulture
Integration of Solar Photovoltaic Projects in Vineyards of Argentina, Chile, and South Africa
Viticulture, Agrivoltaics, IrrigationAbstract
Grapevines in Argentina, Chile and South Africa are grown under high levels of solar radiation. The availability of this resource is an opportunity to implement agrivoltaics as a practice for climate change mitigation. This study was conducted during 2020-2021 to: i) compare the legal framework in these countries to promote photovoltaic (PV) technology, ii) analyze the integration of PV technology with viticulture, and iii) evaluate its social acceptance. To analyze the regulatory framework, national and regional laws to promote the integration of PV technology with viticulture were evaluated. The PV technology and viticulture practices adopted were evaluated through a survey in ten vineyards located in Argentina, Chile, and South Africa. Social acceptance of PV integration with viticulture was evaluated in a participative process. The main facilitators common to the three countries are the availability of the solar resource, the scenario of legislative transformation related to the production of renewable energies, and the reduction of production costs in the long term for wine companies. Although there have been advances in the regulatory frameworks, especially in Chile and Argentina, agrivoltaics is still not mentioned. This, coupled with limited local experience of agrivoltaics in vineyards, limits communication of the potential benefits in grape, wine, and energy production.
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How to Cite
Conference Proceedings Volume
Copyright (c) 2024 Lucía Romina Palazzo, Gabriela Lourdes Acosta, Pilar Gil Montenegro, Azwimbavhi Reckson Mulidzi , Natacha Pizzolon, Denisse Zamorano Meriño, Carlos Poblete Echeverría, Claudio Pastenes Villareal, Talitha Venter, Jorge Perez Peña

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Funding data
United Nations Development Programme
Grant numbers INT/19/K12