Agrivoltaic in a Semi-Aride Climate: Co-Existence of Agricultural Activities in Utility-Scale Plants of EGP for Multiple and Sustainable Land Use
A Case Study of Pepper, Aloe Vera and Thyme
Agrivoltaics, Pepper, Aloe, Thyme, Semi-Arid ClimateAbstract
The benefits deriving from the coexistence of energy production from a photovoltaic plant and crops growth on the same land have been investigated in Enel Green Power photovoltaic plant of Totana, in the semi-arid region of Murcia, in Spain. In this area, scarcity of water resources and high temperatures can have a major impact on production and agrivoltaic can be relevant for the potential benefits of shading on crops. Pepper “Bola”, aloe vera and thyme have been selected for their economic importance and adaptation to the conditions of the area. The results reported are related to the testing areas in the corridors between two modules rows and to the control area. For pepper, an increase of more than 60% in the agricultural yield and in fresh mean weight and of more than 30% for the fruits number have been observed in the corridors, with respect to the control area. For aloe and thyme in the corridor zone a higher plant biomass (more than 30% and 20%, respectively) has been recorded, compared to the control area. An increase of 11% in weight of the fresh biomass has also been detected for thyme in the corridor after about one year from the implementation. The results obtained in the first year have shown that the intermittent shade and microclimate generated by the photovoltaic panels in the corridor area could benefit pepper, aloe vera and thyme cultivation. These trials will continue in next crop cycles, to confirm the preliminary results.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Virginia Hernández, Miriam Di Blasi, Maria Genovese, Roberto Andrés, José Cos, Fulgencio Contreras, Alfonso Guevara, Pilar Hellín, Pilar Flores

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