Agrivoltaics in Japan
A Legal Framework Analysis
Agrivoltaics, Japan, Legal Framework, Policy Integration, Policy BarriersAbstract
A comprehensive and supportive legal framework is a key factor for the expansion of agrivoltaics. This study analyzed, therefore, the existing laws, regulations, and policies related to agrivoltaics in Japan and assessed its actual effects on relevant stakeholders. An increasing horizontal policy integration on the federal level was identified. However, the vertical policy integration is still insufficient with often skeptical municipalities and local agricultural councils. The key barriers are related to the land-use conversion process, financing of agrivoltaic projects, socio-political and market acceptance, and grid constraints in rural areas. There are, however, opportunities for addressing these challenges in recently established councils that include a variety of members from industry, academia, and government.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Christian Doedt, Makoto Tajima, Tetsunari Iida

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