Experimental Study of a Novel Semi-Transparent Bi-Facial Agri-Voltaic System: Initial Results





Agrivoltaics, Irradiance, Shading


Solar (photovoltaic)-agriculture practices have experienced notable progress across several countries over the past few decades, creating a field widely known as agrivoltaics. This co-location practice has proved effective for certain crops that prefer partial shade like tomatoes, lettuce, and peppers, although it is less effective for crops needing more sun. Availability of natural sunlight with a specific spectral signature is necessary for agricultural practices as many plant species require an optimum-level and quality of sunlight for photosynthesis. The goal of this work is to model and validate ground-level irradiance for a semi-transparent bifacial solar collector equipped with a custom spectral reflector. By introducing intentional gaps between opaque solar cells, we hope to allow 50% of visible light to pass through the module.  Additionally, this technology could reduce the soil temperature by 2° C, improve moisture retention, and enhance yield by providing partial solar radiation. In our model, we can calculate the total solar irradiance for the plants as a function of the cell distribution, material absorption, height of the panel and time of year with a spatial resolution of 0.0625 m2. When comparing theoretical estimates to experimental measurements of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), we find a discrepancy of 32-48%, and a discrepancy of 19-38% after correction with TMY data.


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How to Cite

McGraw, D., Nyonga, T., Green, L., Vorobieff, P., Hanson, D., Mohan, G., & Busani, T. (2025). Experimental Study of a Novel Semi-Transparent Bi-Facial Agri-Voltaic System: Initial Results. AgriVoltaics Conference Proceedings, 3. https://doi.org/10.52825/agripv.v3i.1384

Conference Proceedings Volume


PV System Technologies
Received 2024-06-20
Accepted 2025-01-31
Published 2025-03-03

Funding data