Prediction of the Temperature Field Development in Large Heat Storage Tanks for Integration in Network Simulation
Thermal Tank Energy Storage, Distributed Temperature Sensing, District Heating, SimulationAbstract
Integrating an increasing amount of renewable energy into district heating systems requires thermal energy storages. For the planning and operation of the whole system valid and powerful storage models are essential for implementation in e. g. thermo-hydraulic network simulations and operational optimisation tools. The modelling of large tank thermal energy storages (TTES) up to 60,000 m³ can be insufficient by using a simple energy balance model as it does not provide information about the temperature profile. The detailed model called FreeTTES is capable of predicting the temperature distribution inside a large atmospheric TTES. This model simplifies fluid dynamic processes by assuming horizontal homogeneity and analyses them only in vertical direction. The analytical fluid mechanics approach is combined with numerical, measurement data-based approaches. The validation of the model is performed using DTS (distributed temperature sensing) data
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Conference Proceedings Volume
Copyright (c) 2024 Bogdan Narusavicius, Franziska Koch, Anja Matthees, Peter Stange, Karin Rühling

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Accepted 2024-11-27
Published 2024-12-03
Funding data
Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz
Grant numbers 03EN6016A