Establishing the Research Data Management Container in NFDIxCS




Research Data Managment Container, NFDIxCS, Roadmap, Research Software, Software Sustainability, FAIR


NFDIxCS is a consortium within the family of NFDI, which defines and establishes a research data management (RDM) infrastructure for Computer Science (CS). Based on a broad community process, the various types of research data, their metadata and quality criteria are agreed upon in the community. The resulting research data, along with all associated supplementary information and context such as software, metadata, and the corresponding execution environment are provided as an integral part of the overall infrastructure to meet the FAIR principles. This extended abstract addresses the interaction of the presented task area Architectures & Interfaces within the NFDIxCS consortium and the planned activities, challenges, and objectives of the recently launched project.


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C. Engelhardt, How to be FAIR with your data. Göttingen: Göttingen University Press, 2022. DOI:

M. Goedicke and U. Lucke, “Research Data Management in Computer Science - NFDIxCS Approach,” 2022. In: Demmler, D., Krupka, D. & Federrath, H. (Hrsg.), INFORMATIK 2022. Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn. (S. 1317-1328). DOI: 10.18420/inf2022_112.

M. Harrison, “Open Science, Publications and Code”, In: OPEN SCIENCE EUROPEAN CONFERENCE, Proceedings of the Paris Open Science European Conference: OSEC 2022. Paris, Marseille, France: OpenEdition Press, 2022, ISBN: 9791036545627, pp. 183-187. DOI: 10.4000/books.oep.15829.

S. Druskat, J. H. Spaaks, N. Chue Hong, R. Haines, and J. Baker, “Citation File Format (CFF) - Specifications,” 2021. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4813122





Al Laban, F., Bernoth, J., Goedicke, M., Lucke, U., Striewe, M., Wieder, P., & Yahyapour, R. (2023). Establishing the Research Data Management Container in NFDIxCS. Proceedings of the Conference on Research Data Infrastructure , 1.
##plugins.generic.dates.received## 2023-04-26
##plugins.generic.dates.accepted## 2023-06-30
##plugins.generic.dates.published## 2023-09-07

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