Spreading the Love for Mathematical Research Data





Research Data Management, Mathematics, Dissemination


The Mathematical Research Data Initiative (MaRDI) is the NFDI consortium for the mathematics community. We outline some of the challenges we face in spreading a culture of mathematical research data to a large community and starting a cultural change. We highlight our approach to tackling these challenges and present some successful activities: a colorful newsletter, personal interviews, an entertaining rabbit, FAIR chocolate, and interactive formats.


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The MaRDI consortium, MaRDI: Mathematical Research Data Initiative Proposal, May 2022. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6552436.

The MaRDI consortium. “Mardi website.” (2023), [Online]. Available: https://www.mardi4nfdi.de/ (visited on 04/25/2023).

The MaRDI consortium. “Mardi newsletter.” (2023), [Online]. Available: https://www.mardi4nfdi.de/community/newsletter (visited on 04/25/2023).

The MaRDI consortium. “Mardi twitter.” (2023), [Online]. Available: https://twitter.com/mardi4nfdi (visited on 04/25/2023).

The MaRDI consortium. “Making mardi.” (2023), [Online]. Available: https://www.mardi4nfdi.de/community/making-mardi (visited on 04/25/2023).

The MaRDI consortium. “Mardi movies: ’mardy, the happy math rabbit’.” (2023), [Online]. Available: https://vimeo.com/781454778/c131cd0a1a (visited on 04/25/2023).

Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung (DMV). “Dmv annual meeting 2022.” (2023), [Online]. Available: https://www.mi.fu- berlin.de/dmv2022/program/minisymposia/index.html (visited on 04/25/2023).

C. Wiljes and P. Cimiano, “Teaching research data management for students,” Data Science Journal, Aug. 2019. DOI: 10.5334/dsj-2019-038.

Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR). “Love data week.” (2023), [Online]. Available: https://www.icpsr.umich.edu/web/about/cms/3799 (visited on 04/25/2023).

The MaRDI consortium. “Mardi for love data week: ‘a long and lasting love file format’.” (2023), [Online]. Available: https://www.mardi4nfdi.de/community/love-data-week (visited on 04/25/2023).





Bacher, T., Görgen, C., Krause, T., Matt, A., Ramos, D., & Violet, B. (2023). Spreading the Love for Mathematical Research Data. Proceedings of the Conference on Research Data Infrastructure , 1. https://doi.org/10.52825/cordi.v1i.369
##plugins.generic.dates.received## 2023-04-26
##plugins.generic.dates.accepted## 2023-06-30
##plugins.generic.dates.published## 2023-09-07